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Instruments that have been newly acquired require thorough cleaning, lubrication, and sterilization in an autoclave just before they are used.

–  Surface Maintenance

BEAUTIZON instruments are meticulously crafted from premium German stainless steel, renowned for its corrosion resistance. This specially selected steel fulfills diverse requirements in cutting, constricting, retracting, and chiseling. A distinctive feature of this steel type is the formation of passive layers on the instrument’s surface, offering effective protection against corrosion. These layers function as an imperceptible coating, enhancing corrosion resistance with each application and exposure to air.

While the manufacturing process incorporates treatments to ensure corrosion resistance, the instruments’ prolonged service life is primarily contingent on proper maintenance. Users bear the responsibility of diligently caring for the instruments. In a nuanced interpretation, the term “stainless steel” is not entirely accurate and should not be taken literally.

Mismanagement of stainless steel may lead to discoloration and corrosion, thereby reducing the instrument’s lifespan or rendering it unusable. The following guidelines outline the appropriate treatment for Podiatry, Dental and Beauty instruments.

– Transport and Storage

Exercise utmost care in handling instruments throughout their transportation, cleaning, and maintenance, sterilization, and storage processes. This precaution is particularly crucial for blades, fine tips, and other delicate components. Podiatry, Dental and Beauty instruments are susceptible to corrosion, and their performance may be compromised when exposed to aggressive substances such as acids or harsh detergents.

Upon thorough drying, place the instruments in a clean and dry location. Avoid storing them in areas where chemicals might release corrosive fumes or where fluctuating temperature and humidity levels could lead to condensation on the instruments. Ensure storage in areas that are dry, clean, and free from humidity. Store instruments separately in their original packaging. If stored in a drawer, safeguard the tips using cloth, gauze, or a specialized tube.

– Proper Use

Instruments are meticulously designed with specific purposes in mind and should be employed accordingly. Even the most robust instrument is susceptible to damage if used inappropriately, such as employing nail pliers for cutting wire. Utilizing instruments for purposes or in a manner inconsistent with their designated name and application can result in damage or defects, posing a risk of severe injury or, in extreme cases, the death of a patient.

Engaging in such improper use of an instrument renders the warranty provided by BEAUTIZON Instruments null and void.

– Cleaning

* Water and stainless steel

Common tap water contains minerals that have the potential to cause discoloration and corrosion. Therefore, we strongly advise using distilled water for cleaning, disinfecting, sterilizing, and rinsing instruments. To prevent corrosion, it is recommended to use a cleaning solution with a near-neutral pH of 7.

Ultrasound cleaning

The ultrasound method stands out as the most effective and efficient means of cleaning Podiatry, Dental and Beauty instruments. To enhance effectiveness, it is advisable to first remove any visible residue from the instruments before placing them in the ultrasonic cleaner.

 Additionally, we recommend adhering to the following guidelines:
  1. Do not mix instruments made of stainless steel with those made of carbon steel covered with a galvanizing layer in a single cleaning cycle.
  2. Ensure all instruments are opened to make locks and latches accessible.
  3. Avoid stacking instruments on top of each other during the loading process.
  4. Immediately remove and rinse the instruments once the cleaning cycle is complete.
  5. Dry the instruments promptly after rinsing and allow them to air-dry completely.
  6. Apply lubrication to all movable parts.
Manual cleaning and soaking

In the absence of ultrasound-cleaning equipment, meticulous care should be taken when cleaning instruments. Pay special attention to cleaning locks, teeth, hinges, and other hard-to-reach areas. Utilize nylon brushes (not steel) and warm (not hot) cleaning solutions for the cleaning process. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for solution preparation, and change the solution as recommended by the manufacturer.

Handle instruments with the utmost care to avoid damaging their delicate tips and mechanisms. If instruments come into contact with blood, tissue, physiological saline, or other foreign substances, rinses them with warm (not hot) water before the substance dries on the instruments. After rinsing, immerse the instrument in a cleaning and disinfecting solution.

Optimal results are achieved by cleaning and rinsing the instruments immediately after each use. Delayed cleaning may lead to particles adhering to the instruments or secretions drying up, making them resistant to cleaning and potentially difficult or impossible to sterilize in the future.


Before each use, carefully inspect and test the instruments. Visible defects, cracks, deformed elements, or blunt blades indicate that the instruments need repair and must not be used.

The optimal time to assess the instrument’s condition is after cleaning and lubrication, once they have cooled down. It is strictly prohibited to use defective instruments, and attempting to repair them independently is strongly discouraged.

During inspection, pay attention to the following:

Performance: Pliers, forceps, and scissors should cut smoothly and close properly. Needle handles and clips must close effectively, ensuring their tips meet.

Surfaces: Scrutinize the surface for signs of discoloration, cracks, or other irregularities. Common causes of discoloration and corrosion include:

Improper cleaning: Simultaneous sterilization of instruments made of stainless steel and carbon steel covered with a chrome layer.

Water contamination: Inadequate or improper preparation and use of cleaning, disinfection, or maintenance agents. Failure to adhere to operating procedures for cleaning and sterilization.

Lubrication: After cleaning the instruments and before subjecting them to sterilization in an autoclave, lubricate all movable parts. If the instruments are intended for sterilization in vapor, it is advisable to use an authorized water-soluble lubricant in accordance with the instructions provided with the instrument.

–  Sterilization

Adhere to sterilization guidelines in accordance with relevant national regulations. Obtain the correct parameters for sterilization time, temperature, and pressure from the instructions provided by the manufacturer of the sterilization equipment.

Lubrication and autoclave sterilization

Before placing instruments in the autoclave, ensure thorough cleaning. Subsequently, lubricate movable parts such as locks or hinges extensively, utilizing lubricants recommended in the user’s manual provided with each BEAUTIZON instrument. Avoid the use of industrial oils. Always sterilize equipment in the open position.

– Regeneration Program

Within this program, we offer repair and renovation services for BEAUTIZON instruments and other high-quality instruments. Our services encompass precise sharpening, adjustments, tip replacement, and lubrication. The majority of services are completed within 35 working days. In the event of an emergency, please contact us in advance to arrange a rush service.

– BEAUTIZON Instruments Treatment Checklist

  1. Rinse and soak contaminated instruments immediately after use. Clean thoroughly before sterilizing in an autoclave.
    2. During autoclave sterilization instruments should be open.
    3. Do not stack the instruments or allow them to come into contact with one another.
    4. Follow the instructions provided by equipment and solution manufacturers.
    5. Store the instruments properly lubricated.
    6. Perform regular instrument inspections.
    7. In case of any problems encountered at any stage of the maintenance process contact the BEAUTIZON instruments representative. 
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